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Cambridge University Science Magazine
Celebrating Life

The graduate school of Life Sciences (GSLS) image competition is a celebration of the variety of biological research that is ongoing here in Cambridge, from the investigation of the social behaviour and ecology of living things to the detailed study of individual cells. Towards the end of lent term each  year, submitted images are displayed in the Muesum of Zoology at an open event, during which they are judged by a panel of scientists, science communicators and representatives of the general public. The competition is open to all MPhil, PhD and post-doctoral members currently working in the Life Sciences at Cambridge. To find out more, visit the GSLS website.

First Place

Bats Are the Best

Dorit Hockman impressed the judges with this collection of black mastiff bat embryos (right). Each shows a more advanced stage of development, with noticeably longer wings and larger ears.

Second Place

Not What You Think

Whilst Paola Cognigni’s image (left) is very plantlike it actually shows part of an adult fruit fly. Sugar from food is stored as fats in the structures highlighted in gold.

Third Place

Two Heads are Better Than One

Yoan Coudert’s image (below) shows an unusual branched moss on the left of the image. Natural variants like this may have been the earliest evolutionary precursors of modern plants and trees.