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Cambridge University Science Magazine

Biomedical Sciences


Seeking Connections: The Essence Of Epidemiology Bethan Powell argues that seeking connections and patterns is at the heart of epidemiology.
Running Hot Off the Press: How Medicine is Embracing 3D Bioprinting Sambhavi Kumar dives into the latest medical technologies that could see 3D printers finding their way into our hospitals and clinic.
Unlocking the Gut-Brain Connection: The Invincible Army Modulating Brain Activity Goitseone Thamae shines light on the invincible army modulating brain activity
Intermittent hypoxia: could hypoxia be beneficial? Mingshuai Zhu discusses the potential benefits of intermittent hypoxia and potential clinical translation.
Aging Warriors and Cancer's Game: Navigating Immunometabolic Chessboards in Young versus Seasoned Battlers Swetha Kannan explains the metabolic interplay between aging and cancer, and the implications of this for therapeutics