We've had several applications for committee positions for 2013, but several places are still available. We have therefore decided to re-open applications for a further week, with a deadline of January 6th. In particular, we are looking for applicants to the roles of President & Treasurer, these are obviously key roles and we won't be able to put together a new BlueSci committee without them. Please consider putting your name forward, the skills you can gain from working with BlueSci are invaluable in a wide range of future careers and it's a really exciting community of people to work with.If you'd like to know more please contact the current committee on the addresses below. To apply, please send a few hundred words describing why you are suitable for the role and what you'd like to do with it, to All you need is a passion for science and enthusiasm to develop new skills, no prior experience is necessary.
Here's a reminder of the available positions and what the jobs entail:
President (
The President ensures all BlueSci projects are running smoothly, to time and with clear and achievable goals. The President is responsible for organising committee meetings, liaising with other organisations and raising the profile of BlueSci both within and beyond the University. The President should also help out with other aspects of the society, including the magazine, radio show, film section, website, events, and finances as and when necessary.
Secretary (
The Secretary takes minutes at committee meetings, deals with emails sent to, maintains the email lists, helps organise the Freshers’ Fair stall and assists with big events such as the Alumni Dinner.
Junior Treasurer (
The Junior Treasurer is responsible for the accounts, paying in and writing cheques, managing subscriptions to the magazine and preparing an annual record of the accounts.
Events Officer (
This role involves planning and arranging events to promote and publicise BlueSci and helping to get BlueSci represented and involved in other events around the university and within the science publishing world. In previosu years this has included, arranging talks from science writers and journalists as well as workshops in science outreach and communication skills as well as social networking events and liaison with the Science Festival team.
Advertising Manager (
The Advertising Manager maintains and distributes the BlueSci media pack, keeps a database of potential advertisers, secures advertising for the magazine and the website, and liaises with the Varsity Business Manager about printing costs. They are also responsible for helping to seek funding within the University and negotiating sponsorship deals if possible.
Film Manager (
The Film Manager coordinates the film section of BlueSci. This is a challenging, but rewarding job and is a position that can be held for longer than a year. Nick & Alex, our current Film Managers, have done some fantastic work this year but Nick has decided to step down and so there is space for someone new to step in and help Alex out. No experience is necessary and you will be free to work on your own projects as well as working together on larger productions.
Webmaster (
The Webmaster is responsible for all technical aspects of the website, including the domain name, layout and plug-ins.
Web Editor (
The Web Editor is responsible for uploading content to the website (excluding the regular News stories). This includes: feature articles, interviews, reviews, podcasts of the radio show, films, PDFs and HTMLs of the magazine and announcements about deadlines and events. The Web Editor also coordinates BlueSci’s presence on Facebook and Twitter.
Issue Editor (
The issue editor is only closely involved in the production of one issue of BlueSci (Issue 27), they are responsible for selecting and commissioning articles and thus control the creative vision of the issue. They work closely with the Managing Editor to co-ordinate bringing this all together and ensure that everything stays to deadlines. It's fantastic experience in team management and organisation and is particularly appealing for those who are only in Cambridge for a short time.