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Cambridge University Science Magazine
Disclaimer: The contents of this article represent opinions and views shared on Twitter, and do not necessarily constitute peer reviewed scientific research.

As coronavirus vaccinations roll out across the globe, preparations have begun for a new era. How will industries recover from a global pandemic? What will be the resulting effects on the job market? Will socialising resume in the same way as before? It’s hard to predict what the future will look like, and many of the questions being asked are also relevant to science, and on the agenda of those sharing their opinions via Science Twitter.

With the academic job market a tough place at the best of times, many are coming to Twitter in this especially uncertain age in order to point out new and long-standing issues with the hunt for jobs and grants. Others are keen on pointing out clear issues with academia in general that have the potential to change as society reflects and restructures. More positive outlooks are also available: seasoned researchers often use the platform to share their successes, and you can find plenty of advice intended for those looking to make key decisions about the future. Advice for prospective PhD students in a post-COVID era varies from β€˜don’t do it [unless you really HAVE to]’, to β€˜pick the right lab culture and you’ll have a great time’.

Academic and non-academic science communication has never been more important than it is today, as many try to understand the science-based policies that are affecting our lives more than ever. Twitter has emerged as not just a place to communicate science, but also to question our culture of science communication itself, and debate how it should be changed moving forward. There were certainly many opinions on the recent acquisition of NewScientist – the well-known outlet for popular science - by the notorious tabloid Daily Mail. How will scientific information be presented to the public in the future?

Some things, however, haven’t changed – there will always be certain issues that remain widely debated amongst the scientific community. One such issue is the spread of misinformation, or information that may not be trustworthy. Who should we listen to when receiving information, and why are there such conflicting opinions out there? These questions will continue to be discussed, by those with a small following, as well as individuals like Dr Adam Rutherford or Dr Philip Ball, two vocal and prominent science communicators.

And, of course, there will always be the likes of Dr Neil deGrasse Tyson to throw out a science-related joke or two.

Adiyant Lamba is a second year PhD student studying developmental biology, and News Editor for BlueSci.